BENEFITS: Measure Effectiveness of Tests, Test Suites. Identify untested code and reveal more defects. Improve test efficiency.

KEY FEATURES: Combined branch and call-pair coverage for C-C++. (Separate branch and all-pair instrumenters for Ada, F77). Annotatable calltree displays with access to source. Annotatable digraph displays with access to source.

APPLICATIONS: Branch coverage: unit testing, integration testing. Call-pair coverage: integration testing, system testing, test suite validation. Graphical annotation: all levels of code test completion browsing, analysis.

TestWorks INDEX VALUE: +80 Points if C1 > 85%. +90 Points if S1 > 95%.

TCAT, a test coverage analysis tool, stands alone or works as a part of the TestWorks' multi-platform suite of testing tools.

TCAT identifies which parts of a program's code have been tested at the individual function level. Using Software Research's C1 metric, TCAT measures the number of times logical branches have been exercised for both True and False conditions. The C1 metric is a more comprehensive yet efficient method than statement coverage. Statement coverage only determines which statements in a program have been exercised, not whether all actions within a statement have been exercised.

TCAT instruments code by placing markers at each logical branch and/or call-pair seat that store coverage data (after buffering) in a trace file. TCAT reads trace files and/or archive files information to create coverage reports indicating which code remains untested or frequently tested, and which test cases duplicate coverage. Archive files store cumulative test information.

Directed graphs depicting a module's control-flow structure are generated during the instrumentation process, providing a quick, easy-to-interpret overview of the results prior to examining detailed reports. The directed graph can be color annotated to show logical branch's or call-pairs' level of coverage. Source code for branches or call-pairs can be seen from the displays.

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